30 August 2012

Summer's End

I went to The CNE the other evening.  This annual visit always signals one thing; the impending end of summer. In four days I return to my regular job and believe me, I'm squeezing every bit of freedom from these last days.
I've been reflecting on the Summer of 2012.
When I first learned last spring that I was to be laid off for the season, I was understandably angry and worried. Hindsight, however, makes it look quite different. I hadn't realized how miserable I was in the job until I wasn't there anymore. Not being in that environment for nine weeks has allowed me to heal and regroup and has also provided opportunities I otherwise would not have had.  
I worked two busy events this summer; The Indy in July and Summerworks in August.  Both were dynamic, challenging jobs for different reasons and both involved working with a great team. I was reminded that yes, I am actually good at what I do and was allowed to actually do it. Yay me!
When I wasn't working this summer, I was riding my bike, visiting friends and family, knitting up a storm, sleeping in, going dancing or just hanging in my little garden.  I had a brief (very brief) love affair. I saw a bunch of festival theatre shows. Most importantly, I was able to really be available to support and help The Daughter as she prepares for her move to university (This Sunday! Sob! Sniffle!)
So, while my bank balance took a huge hit, I am humble enough to admit that sometimes life hands you what you need. I am grateful for the gift of time.

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