So, tonight, we roll the year over. Resolutions? I never make them. I do however, believe in pausing for reflection. My astrology reading for the coming year talks about noting how others see you as a tool to aligning the outer image with the truth about who you really are. Pause indeed. Lately I have allowed my tendencies to panic and worry and emotionally flail about to have too much influence on my words and actions. This has caused all sorts of negative Karma and has gotten me into a whole lot of trouble. How to shift this energy?
So, I'm working, as always, on inner peace. I'm considering my intentions and being mindful of what I put out there. It's not a resolution to start something new as much as it is a reminder to return to something I already know.
Have a great evening tonight everyone whatever you're doing. All the best in the coming year.
I love the treat for your toes -- can't wait to see how they turn out ... I have the same yarn in purple tones, and have been holding onto it, nervous that I won't make something nice enough to show off the beautiful blinginess of the yarn! I love the colour of yours! Very pretty!
sparkly start to the year much needed, yes indeed! have a happy new year and all the best to you and your family.
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