It's ten past noon and The Daughter sleeps on. I'm torn between letting her enjoy this, her second to last sleep-in opportunity, and waking her "for her own good." My enjoyment of the quiet on this beautiful Sunday morning is influencing my decision toward the former choice.
School in two days. I always dislike this time of year. The myth created by marketing people that parents are dancing in the store aisles right now, is just not true. I enjoy the unstructured ease of the summer days. Seeing more of the kid, sitting outside after work, no homework to nag about. Even with working like a maniac these past few months and the lack of a proper vacation, I'm still sad to see summer end. Soon the pressures and rigidity of the school year, combined with shorter, darker, colder days, will make the sunshine and light breezes of this Labour Day Sunday a distant memory.
Two years ago, for Mother's Day, The Daughter gave me two skeins of Diamond Luxor Egyptian cotton in this gorgeous pink. It had been sitting in the stash waiting for a project until my current need for a new cosmetic bag provided the answer. Using a Knitgrrl 2 pattern as a starting point, I knit up this clutch in just a few days. The smooth, shiny pink goes so well with the vintage buttons. Tres chic. Tres girlie.
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