Like a drunk coming off a lost weekend, I've awoken from a two week mood slump to find, not a hangover and a strange bed fellow, but...yarn. Without realizing it, I seem to have purchased a great deal of it lately.

Here is lovely, lovely Dale Svale. I've been lusting to try this cotton/viscose/silk blend since I first fondled it years ago. Now Knitomatic has it on sale so I grabbed eight skeins of this fetching musky grape tone.

This last acquisition is thanks to Kelly - a gift from Rhinebeck. Thank you!!!!! What an original colour blend in this merino sock yarn from Ancient Threads Farm in New York. I heard a rumour that Alterknit will soon be carrying some of their stuff.
Yikes!! I was just at Knitomatic on the weekend. How did I miss the Svale? I bought Fixation on sale. I too bought some "lace weight" cashmere silk (in NYC) that looks like thread. I have wound it up double and will be attemting to knit a lace cardigan for my whispy daughter. But so far I just look at it and fondle it a lot.
When there's "too" much yarn, life is good. Looks like you've found some lovely stuff!
The new In the Loop Cafe is carrying a limited amount of Ancient Threads yarn-
Ancient Threads
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