Yes, Santa was exceptionally good this year. That's a lot of presents under the tree for just three people. While we scaled back and simplified in all other aspects of the season, with each other, we over-indulged. It's been a rough year chez marriage so I think we were awkwardly apologizing with our wallets. I spoke to my therapist about it and she reflected that gift giving is just a different form of communication. She figures it's probably a good thing this once. This assuaged my guilt and has helped me to enjoy both spoiling and being spoiled. The daughter of course, got extra spoiled to balance out the prezzie opening. She has been exceptionally good this year and deserves everything and more.
A special thank you to Kelly for my only fibre related gift, two skeins of gorgeous purple goaty mohair from her trip to Wellington Fibres. So thoughtful.

And here is a closeup of my gift to myself - the cotton/angora blend I mentioned in my last post. The group shot of the Romni boxing sale purchases just didn't do it justice.

Sometimes Santa just needs to be a little more indulgent!
The yarn closeup is gorgeous. Can't wait to see what you make with it.
I am sorry to hear you are still sick. That is too bad - but it is good you are getting the time to truly rest up. It will make a big difference I am sure.
I hope things start to go better for all of you and you get well soon.
A new year, a new start. Best of luck.
Hi Yvette - I'm glad you liked the yarn! You'll definitely have to come on the next yarn related day trip. I just posted about my reflections on 2006 and one of the things I will remember the most is all the great people/knitters I have met, especially you. So thanks for that! All the best for 2007.
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