Working Like the Proverbial Dog
I've gone from too few hours at the job to too many. All the departments are busy and this is good news for my bank balance but not for the family's dirty laundry. You all (all 5 of you who read my blog) are my witnesses. I will not work an eight hour day and then come home to do household tasks until bedtime. The last time I worked full time, I made myself ill with being friggin Superwoman. I recently came across a photo of me from that time and I look like a skeleton. Not this time. The dust bunnies can breed and the husband can wear the same dirty jeans or wash them himself.
Now on to knitting...yet still work related ...
I've started a new pair of sock for subway knitting. I'm knitting Broadripple from Knitty, using the Regia that J gave me. The colour is called Canadian and I didn't know why until I took a good look at the calendar on the office wall. Tee hee.
Also, in honour of the chill in the air, I wore my first socks for the first time today. They do cheer the place up.
It is getting to be knitted sock seasons again. I pulled some out yesterday.
Heh heh, I knitted socks all summer because they were better than a pile of wool in the lap. Actually I think I'm just addicted to socks...
...and soon you will be too!
At my house the dust bunnies have names they been here for so long. The oldest daughter will now put laundry on so it does get marginally easier to not have a full room of laundry. I think we should all go naked!
NIce socks!
The boyfriend and I had a "discussion" about household chores when I felt I was being stuck with the bulk of them. Turns out that overflowing bags of laundry and a full sink of dishes weren't big enough clues. Now if I leave little reminder notes about things that need to be done, they generally DO get done! Divvy up some of the nagging chores that bug you the most (and maybe lower your standards a little), and you'll make it through! :)
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