My Diamaond Fantasy shawl is this close to being finished. Eight repeats of teeny tiny lacy stitch pattern done with painstaking detail. We're talking fixing every single mistake here. Now I can't cast the damn thing off! I've been trying, on and off, all afternoon! I started with the recommended i-cord cast off. Looked roly and too chunky in the yarn. Then I tried three kinds of sewn bind off and am now taking a break from picking out the last one. I will not let that much work be ruined by an ugly edge. I am ready to SCREAM! Does anyone know a nice flat looking cast off that gives an attractive edge?
So, it's in the bag for a day or two.Here are the promised photos from last Friday's gathering.
Our newest member, Melinda tries to pretend she's not being photographed. The fellow peering over her shoulder is my "admirer."
Lori, Sandy and Jackie love their work a little too much.
Kelly's attempt at an arty still life.

Now that's a shawl edge. Alas, it is Stephanie's, not mine.
Seeing that photo of you modelling that shawl, no wonder you had admirers! You look gorgeous!
I've always found that an extremely extremely loose regular cast-off works, but then maybe I'm not that picky? You should ask Stephannie, she's the master, obviously.
that boy sure is cute.... hey i think kelly and i have the same needles...i didn't notice this at the pub.....will have to discuss this with her at the next pub night in august, which i have already marked on the calendar
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