The yarn arrived last week for the Diamond Fantasy Shawl so, of course I had to cast on. After three failed attempts to get going using the circs, I decided to start off with a short pair of straights - much easier to handle at this stage. I'll switch over as the project gets larger.
A week later and I've just begun the third repeat. It's been slow going as I've found the chart a bit difficult to read. I was making frequent mistakes and sometimes felt I was taking out more stitches than I was knitting. I then got the brilliant idea to make an enlarged photocopy and colour code the symbols. It's going much better now.
This will be my pick up/put down project for the next while. I intend to use my new neckline skills and finish the red empire top this weekend.
Oooh, that looks gorgeous. I was totally gushing over the all black one that January One just finished, and having seen it now in variegated I'm thinking it may be the perfect pattern since it looks lovely in both!
That shawl is going to be dy-no-mite! Love that yarn.
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