Now, in this case, I knew what was inside. I purchased this yarn on eBay two weeks ago and the seller had a photo and detailed description on her page.
Yet, the thrill remains the same. Opening the package, seeing and touching this gorgeous yarn for the first time. Even photographing it for this blog was a treat. It's my first purchase of handspun and what a beauty - a wool/silk blend and just look at those colours.
Owning this yarn makes me happy.
Now that sounds trite but I've been thinking a lot about this lately. I've been having a bit of a rough time the past few months (personal stuff, you know). During this time, I have found that many of my happiest times have involved craft. Appreciating the beauty of colour and texture has brought me such comfort. Taking these beautiful yarns and turning them into something else with a rhythmic motion of my own hands has calmed me down. Then, finding other people with whom to share this crazy passion - how special. So, I've stopped worrying about why this is, and whether it is trivial or not, and have decided to just be grateful.
So, owning this yarn makes me happy and I'm glad I bought it. Isn't it lovely?
What a great find. Enjoy knitting with it. Looking forward to see what you create with it.
Best wishes,
You SP7
What gorgeous yarn, and how true it is. Enjoy the lovely new fibre!
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