Another amazing package from my Secret Pal. I've really lucked out. Included this time are the current issue of Vogue Knitting, a dishcloth pattern, another pair of Clover needles and a beautiful needle case. Check out the green cotton yarn and the beautiful (homemade?) card! Happy, happy me. Also, the daughter took this photo and wanted to make sure I told y'all. She's enjoying the exchange as much as I am.
In other news, I've caught Knitting Olympics fever and have joined Team Canada. What an amazing phenomena - a cute idea turns into an international event! Let's all hope that the actual Olympics are as peaceful as our knitting community.
Good job secret pal!
I;m in the Olympics too, and I am getting a little concerned. I can't even seem to get my swatch right. Eek!
Good to see all arrived safely. Working towards next package theme...a bit of "handmade" goodies for the upcoming one.
Go Team Canada!
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