22 October 2008

The Apartment

Yes, I am knitting. In fact I have four WIP's at the moment. I even finished something today. Alas, no photos yet.

Instead, here is my pretty new apartment. Red wall? You bet! Also, I know the new couch is strangely ugly. I knew it as I was paying for it. It just called to me across the floor at the Sears clearance sale. It cried out,
"Look at me...I'm ugly and sturdy...You know you want me."
O yes.


Anonymous said...

I love your new place ... and the unique items that furnish it make it so homey (even the couch! Not ugly - "unique")

I am working on the last part of your final parcel for SP!@ - and am emabarassed it is so late - my sewing machine broke, and I really wanted to make this thing for you ... so I have been waiting for it to be repaired. it is fixed now, and I should be able to whip up what I am making, and get the parcel off to you tout de suite! I am sorry (and very embarassed!)

Your (crappy) sp12 pal

Marin (AntiM) said...

There is ugly ugly and there is funky cool ugly. That may be one of the funky coolest ugly couches ever.

It makes me wish I had one so redecorate my living room around it.

Yvette said...

Thanks!! To both of you!